Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dress Up Tours, Presentations With Multimedia Content

         This month’s buying guide in Realtor magazine online will take a look at multimedia solutions and services—tools you can use to jazz up  presentations and property tours.
          When you rely on the templates and content provided in any of these solutions, you can end up with multimedia vignettes which look something like what all your peers are producing. But, search beyond what’s included with any respective software or service, you can achieve a more distinctive look with a variety of content available online.
There’s wasn’t space in the guide to address clip art and content sources, so I’ll expound a little here. Online you’ll find abundant sources of content of all types: photos, video and animation clips, music tracks, even buttons and icons you can incorporate into your web designs.
In the broadest sense, across all categories, there’s two categories: royalty free content you can freely use, without restriction, and content which carries some form of license agreement. This can be a mere acknowledgement, giving credit to the creator, or it can also mean you must pay a fee for  specified use of that content. In either case respect the creators’ wishes, and protect your interests. Always read the Terms of Use or License Agreement and abide by its stipulations.
Quality varies greatly, but take time to look around and you’ll find what you need.
Simply search or “google” what you want. You’ll be impressed with what’s  available, to give your presentations or sites a more distinctive look.
To get you started, here’s links to just a few examples of all that is available: RealtyClipArt; the Open ClipArt LibraryVector4Free; Vector.USAnimation Factory; IconFinder; FotoSearch; iStock Photo; RoyaltyFreeMusic; and SoundIdeas.

1 comment:

Estate Agent in London said...

Thank you for these links. I am sure I will use this for my next presentation. And you're right. People tend to like visuals.